Thursday, December 1, 2011




Good, ahah.  The composer of the entire soundtrack is Yoko Kanno.  She is probably my favorite modern composer.  "Why?" you ask.  She doesn't just make awesome music, she makes awesome music in sooo many styles. Except hip-hop.  But you got enough of that when you looked up the Samurai Champloo OST, right? Right??? Anyways, she writes jazz, classical, rock, metal, pop... pretty much anything you could want.  And of course, the show is called "Cowboy Bebop" so you can expect a lot of jazz.  By the way, in case you haven't seen the show yet (blasphemy!) and are wondering, it is not about cowboys.  "Cowboy" is just slang for "bounty hunter" and came from, well, the Wild West days, you know~  If you want to learn more about the show, which I highly recommend you do, you can just check out the Wikipedia page

So yea, let's start with the opening theme!!!

And, uh... the closing theme???

By the way, the ending theme has some pretty sweet lyrics. Which you can check out here.
More Cowboy Bebop to come.
See you, space cowboy

1 comment:

  1. わたしはカウボーイビバップがすきです!とてもおもしろいですよ!カウボーイビバップのパーテイをしましょう!
